Great Seneca Creek ES

Basic Info

Great Seneca Creek ES is located at 13010 Dairymaid Drive, Germantown, MD 20874. The principal is Mr. Scott Curry.


Please rate your experience at this school with respect to the following aspects on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • Inclusiveness: Does the school have a culture of inclusion and inclusive practices in place (e.g., co-teaching)? Are these practices effectively and systematically implemented?
  • Staffing and resources: Does the school have staff and resources to accommodate a wide range of special needs?
  • Cooperation: Does the school staff exhibit a cooperative approach by accepting/requesting the parents' input, listening to concerns, and attempting to resolve disagreements?
  • Communication: Does the school implement progress monitoring plans? Does the staff regularly communicate with parents with respect to their child's progress and challenges? Is the staff responsive when contacted?
  • Academic expectations: Does the staff systematically set high expectations for students with special needs? Does the staff systematically raise expectations when IEP goals are met ahead of time?

Great Seneca Creek ES

Great Seneca Creek ES

Staffing and resources


    Academic expectations


      One comment

      1. Staffing and resources


        Academic expectations


        This was the second school in MCPS that we attempted to have my son get support. 2009/2010 school year. Son has ADD/ADHD and is mainstreamed completely. This school nor his case manager did not appear to understand his diagnosis or need and certainly did not provide appropriate support. They tried to tell me my son did not even need an IEP and changed his IEP to decrease his hours of special ed support to almost nothing. (That was changed back the next year when someone who knew what they were doing at Ronald McNair ES saw that).
        They did not understand what the “home school model” was about, did NO co-teaching, and provided 1 hour of shared support per day to my son. They only paid attention when he was disruptive. They had no clue he was not following instructions because he daydreamed all the time. When you are daydreaming, you are not disruptive.
        I also found out that they were not communicating with me about his behavior – although they sent home a weekly report. It always said he was doing well. He wasn’t. When I asked about those reports, I was told that they were based on behavior “for him”. So he was doing okay “for him”, which apparently was not okay. So they were lying. When I approached the principal about this, he said he was surprised because MCPS has such a “good reputation” for special ed. When he asked why I was even bringing this up to him since I had already decided to move (again) to find a better school. I told him the principal of Ronald McNair had suggested that he might want to know what is going on at his school! He mumbled something like well of course yes. The principal was not plugged into the special ed kids at his school, at didn’t want to be. Perhaps that is a key to finding a good school – good principal, good school. Would NOT recommend to anyone with a mainstreamed child with special needs.

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