Sherwood HS

Basic Info

Sherwood HS is located at 300 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860. The principal is Mr. William Gregory.


Please rate your experience at this school with respect to the following aspects on a scale from 0 to 10.
  • Inclusiveness: Does the school have a culture of inclusion and inclusive practices in place (e.g., co-teaching)? Are these practices effectively and systematically implemented?
  • Staffing and resources: Does the school have staff and resources to accommodate a wide range of special needs?
  • Cooperation: Does the school staff exhibit a cooperative approach by accepting/requesting the parents' input, listening to concerns, and attempting to resolve disagreements?
  • Communication: Does the school implement progress monitoring plans? Does the staff regularly communicate with parents with respect to their child's progress and challenges? Is the staff responsive when contacted?
  • Academic expectations: Does the staff systematically set high expectations for students with special needs? Does the staff systematically raise expectations when IEP goals are met ahead of time?

Sherwood HS

Sherwood HS



    Staffing and resources






          Academic expectations



            1. Inclusiveness


              Staffing and resources






              Academic expectations


              My kids have graduated but the same folks are still at the school so I don’t think things have changed. My experience is that you must advocate for the services your student needs or their needs will go unmet. That even with an IEP you must follow up and make sure that the services and accommodations list are followed. Nothing is automatic and you must manage your child’s education. The teachers are not all willing to communicate with parents routinely. The English classes that are for the kids with IEPs (not the inclusion classes) are very watered down and the expectations are low. The students are spoon fed and not challenged or encouraged in these classes. Some of the math teachers are great and others are sub-par and unable to assist those with different learning styles and unwilling to work with the special education teacher in the room as a united front. It becomes a “those are her students not mine” mentality not a true co-teacher situation. Many of the classroom situations boils down to the special educator in the room, some are good and work with the general ed teacher well but others do not. There were times when teachers lost homework. The principal is wonderful but the resource teachers don’t listen to him.

              Parents input is not valued at the IEP meetings. The guidance counselors work to help facilitate communication but it all falls on the teachers to follow through and most do not. The most of teachers don’t post on ed-line. It’s a frustrating situation. IEP required study guides for exams where only obtained once the counselor got involved, parent and student requests were unmet even when emails were sent a week in advance to obtain the information. Every year it felt as if they were just pushing the kids to the next step without making sure they were ready for the next step or prepared. One of my kids did not have their specific learning disability identified until 10th grade because the teachers would not listen to my concerns and test my child or teach to them in a way they could understand. We spent a lot of after school time reteaching the material.

              My experience with the transition services is that the school goes through the motions. They don’t really have a good understanding of transition and they don’t really care what happens to your child once they leave the school.

              If your student is average or above and doesn’t require special education services the school is great. Many of my friends with neurotypical kids has great experiences at this school.

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